Panettone World Cup 2024 for the first time in Australia for the selections

For the first time, the Panettone World Cup organizes the Australia selections to decide the finalist who will represent the country at the final in November in Milan. Thanks to the collaboration with Club Australia chaired by pastry chef Tatiana Coluccio of Old Evropa Bakery and Alessandro Urilli Executive Pastry chef, the artisanal panettone will be the protagonist of two important days at Angliss Restaurant in Melbourne.

On Wednesday, July 3, Maestro Giuseppe Piffaretti, founder of the Panettone World Cup, will hold a masterclass (on reservation dedicated to the sweet leavened to know the technique and the process for the realization of the natural leavened panettone.

Also at Angliss Restaurant on Monday, July 8, starting from 9.00, there will be the competition that sees the participation of 14 pastry chefs competing for the category Traditional Panettone and Chocolate Panettone. A prestigious jury will judge the appearance, shape, volume, softness, distribution of fruit, perfume and flavor.

The most exciting moment is certainly the award ceremony that will be in the late morning when you will know the finalist who will participate in the event of the Final of the Panettone World Cup to be held in the historic Palazzo Castiglioni in Milan from 8 to 10 November.

The Panettone World Cup is the great international event entirely dedicated to leavened bread par excellence. It was created to celebrate the history and processing of a product capable of crossing the boundaries of origin to establish itself on the world confectionery scene. Patron of the event is Maestro Giuseppe Piffaretti; the first edition was held in Lugano from 8 to 10 November 2019; the second edition from 5 to 7 November 2021, the third edition from 8 to 10 November 2022 in Milan. In addition to the competition, the event promotes demonstrations, tastings, visits to exhibitors, workshops, workshops to celebrate the history and processing of a product that has managed to cross the borders of origin and seasonality to establish itself on the world confectionery scene.

July 2024 Angliss Restaurant
Masteclass 3 July 2024 Angliss Restaurant

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